Sample Testimonials
Take tough decisions with confidence:
During our collaboration I was able to get a bird’s eye view of myself and of my work. I could speak freely about all the issues and questions that plagued me regarding the management of the company, and especially, its people. Obviously, I don’t have a partner in the workplace in whom I can so completely confide and with whom I can consult about possible solutions. A good coach, who Annette undoubtedly is, is such a partner. During our sessions, I was also able to correctly assess my biggest personal problem and solve it radically. It was one of the toughest decisions in my professional career so far, but in hindsight I evaluate it very positively. Coaching with Annette also helped me to clarify how to go on in my career. This gave me a much needed impetus after almost 20 years of my career and while in the "middle" stages of my productive life. -- General manager, 40, media
Sell changes to colleagues:
At the beginning of our cooperation, I was at the height of my career, had nearly all the systems in place and things were working quite well. Yet I knew that if we didn’t make some critical changes, our success would be short-lived and our position put in jeopardy further down the road. It was difficult to convince my colleagues in the top team, and also to convince myself of what lay ahead for us if we didn’t change tracks. It isn't easy to let go of your heroic management style as long as everyone is applauding. -- Plant manager, 45, FMCG
Be Yourself:
I first got into my current position at an age where most of my friends held much more junior jobs. I had many issues with my board colleagues who were often 20 or even 30 years my seniors, and who wouldn’t take me seriously. Initially, I made a huge mistake in trying to please them, which of course completely eroded my standing. I started to dread going into the office on board meeting days. Then I remembered that I had been offered coaching when I first got that position, and that now was probably the time to go for it. And I am glad I did! Right from our first session, I began seeing through my ill-aimed actions and could start taking different action. Within less than six months, I got a lot of praise for my improved communication style, not just from my team, but most importantly, from the board. As a consequence, I am am repositioning myself really fast now! -- Purchasing Manager, 33, machinery
You won’t want to do without:
Something I really don’t want to do without any more is a person with whom I can discuss all aspects of my professional life, without having to be afraid that she might use her knowledge politically within the organisation, pass on information, and /or give me unsolicited, unqualified advice. I want someone who asks unusual questions that encourage me to find new options in difficult decision-making situations, and rethink alternatives. This is a tough combination to find in one’s circle of friends, colleagues or family. My sessions with Annette help me time and again to position myself within the company, find new energy to tackle issues, and stay focused on the real priorities. -- CEO, 50, top FMCG company
Recognize your attitude problems before you threaten your position:
At the beginning of our collaboration, I was at the height of my career, had nearly all the systems in place and things were working well. Yet I knew that if we didn’t start making some critical changes now, our position put in jeopardy further down the road. It was difficult to convince my colleagues in the top team, and also to convince myself - of what lay ahead for us if we didn’t change track. It isn't easy to let go of your heroic management style as long as everyone is applauding. Annette set me straight by helping me craft a longer-term vision, complete with a new set of priorities to help me see beyond the day to day successes. Highly recommended! -- Board member, 55, manufacturing
Learn how to adjust your attitude:
I had a very negative attitude towards change initiatives coming from HQ that threatened our way of working, and caused a lot of nervousness in the team. Yet I was expected to motivate my people to make all these projects work, while believing that these changes would disappoint customers, and cause all sorts of problems for us. It was nearly too late before I spoke with Annette and she helped me to understand that with this attitude, I could hardly be one of the top representatives of the company. Her realistic approach helped me find a more solution-focused path. I’m now more relaxed and more accepting of new challenges that come my way. -- Chairman of the board, 54, logistics